Online Tools
To begin using the program, please follow these steps:
- Visit
- Click the “Clinic Login” button on the top-right corner of the page
- In the Register section of the page, enter your clinic’s Clinic ID: 7IP11
Petly: Your Pet’s Online Records
Petly is a free service offered by Town and Country Veterinary Clinic which allows pet owners to enroll in an online account with 24/7 accessibility to medical records. This makes communication with us easy and convenient! Below are some frequently asked questions we thought would help you understand this new online service:

1. What is Petly?
2. What is the cost of this service?
3. What is included with the Petly program?
4. Once I make a request, does that mean my request has been finalized? Is my prescription ready for pick up?
5. What if I have trouble using the Petly page?
6. What do I need to do to get started using the Petly Page?
Submit your information below if you would like us to send you a personal email invitation to activate your Petly: